Barry Wall
Owner/Operator of U.S. Fire Tank Sales and Rainwater Systems, Inc.
3152 Junction Hwy
Ingram, TX 78025
About Me
With a lifetime of experience in water related projects, including water well drilling, water conservation, rainwater capture, and rainwater management, I started building rainwater systems in 1998. I currently hold the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association's "Accredited Professional" designation.
Most of my United States work has been in the state of Texas. Some other countries include Mexico, Haiti, and most recently, Guatemala. I also have and do consult on other international projects.
I currently have more than 400 rainwater and fire tank installations ranging from simple back yard landscape projects to multi thousand-gallon potable/non-potable rainwater systems. To date, my largest potable project is a 95,639 gallon rainwater system with "dual" secondary water well supply, including a "multi-directional" controlled end-use system. My largest system is a 280,000 gallon irrigation rainwater system with "dual" secondary municipal back-up. 85% of my work is in potable rainwater systems with "dual" secondary water well supply. They average 30,000 gallons per installation.
Over the Years
March 2016
February 2011
March 2010
January 2010
July 2009
January 2009
On March 21, 2016, RSI was selected by the Texas Water Development Board as the 2015 Texas Rain Catcher Award winner "In Recognition of Exemplary Efforts to Promote Rainwater Harvesting and Water Conservation through Educational and Outreach Activities". The Project site is the Kerr County Youth Exhibit Center in Kerr County, Texas.
On February 11, 2011, RSI was selected by the Texas Water Development Board as the 2010 Texas Rain Catcher Award winner in the Non-Profit category. The project site is the Salvation Army Ray and Joan Kroc Center in Kerrville, Texas.
RSI was featured as the "Cover Article" in the March 19, 2010 edition of the "Texas Agriculture" magazine "Harvesting the Heavens".
In January 2010, RSI was recognized as part of a team by the National Association of Home Builders as the "2010 Gold Winner in the Hot Climate-Custom Home" division for their "Energy Value Housing Award". The award, then in its 15th year, is given annually at the International Builders Show.
Rainwater Systems, Inc. (RSI) was selected by "Texas Parks and Wildlife Magazine" as the featured rainwater collection design and installation company that appeared in the July, 2009 article, "The Great Rain Harvest", regarding the current and future state of our water supply in Texas.
Formally known as "Texas Rainwater Systems", RSI incorporated on January 1, 2009 and became "Rainwater Systems, Inc." Rainwater Systems, Inc. also has a subsidiary company, "U.S. Fire Tank Sales".